Appearance: CombatCon 2019

Appearance: CombatCon 2019

Here’s a little bit of information about the event from the convention coordinators: “Welcome to CombatCon, the world’s only convention fueled by real martial artists, stage combatants, stunt professionals, experts in tactical combat and personal...

My Decision on Publishing

After much consideration, I have decided the path I intend to pursue to for publishing. After attending lectures, reading articles and books, and listening to the experiences that other authors have had, I have finally reached a conclusion. As much as I would love to...
California in Fall

California in Fall

One of the biggest perks of living on the central coast of California is the weather. Seasons are practically nonexistent here, so we don’t get the beautiful fall leaf displays or snowy white winters. But I’m not complaining, especially since I spent my Thanksgiving...

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