2019 Strawberry Festival in Arroyo Grande, CA

2019 Strawberry Festival in Arroyo Grande, CA

Stop by and see the Strawberry Festival in the beautiful village of Arroyo Grande! It is one of the biggest events of the year for the area, and always a blast. Admission is free! Enjoy a tasty strawberry dessert, listen to live music, check out a wide variety of...
Book Signing at Talley Vineyards

Book Signing at Talley Vineyards

Come enjoy an afternoon of wine tasting at the beautiful Talley Vineyards and meet local author Kathryn Blanche! Kathryn Blanche is the author of the action-packed dystopian fantasy series Laila of Midgard, which follows an elven special agent working in...
Laila of Midgard Series News

Laila of Midgard Series News

After announcing my decision to self-publish my first series last month, things have suddenly started to pick up speed. For a long time, I was sort of stuck waiting. I was waiting to see if I could find an agent or a publisher, and I knew there would be even more...

Laila of Midgard Worlds

There are seven worlds existing in parallel dimensions in my book. These various worlds are inspired by ancient Norse cosmology. In the books it is possible to move from one world to another using inter-dimentional portals created from the magic that connects these...


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