Laila of Midgard Series News

Laila of Midgard Series News

After announcing my decision to self-publish my first series last month, things have suddenly started to pick up speed. For a long time, I was sort of stuck waiting. I was waiting to see if I could find an agent or a publisher, and I knew there would be even more...

My Decision on Publishing

After much consideration, I have decided the path I intend to pursue to for publishing. After attending lectures, reading articles and books, and listening to the experiences that other authors have had, I have finally reached a conclusion. As much as I would love to...
Living Life

Living Life

Life is such a beautiful and delicate thing. There is so much that we can endure and continue to survive, yet at the same time, a small occurrence can cause a life to be taken so suddenly. Last Friday I discovered that a friend I’ve known since I was six years old had...

The Publishing Debate

What a crazy month February has been! The weather alone here has been unusual for this time of year. Usually, the temperature gets up to the sixties during the days this time of the year, but the last few weeks have seen highs in the fifties. It seems a bit silly to...

Another Year Begins

Welcome to 2018! I don’t know about you, but I found that 2017 was a year of changes. This was true for both my personal and professional lives. Many of these changes were completely unexpected. There was so much uncertainty and chaos, but fate has a way of sorting...
Winter and Dragons

Winter and Dragons

The holidays are always filled with excitement and cheer. There are parties, friends and family visiting, decorations, baking, and an ever-growing list of cheesy movies. There is that thrill of finding the perfect gifts for everyone on your list, and the priceless...

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