Moscow, Russia

Moscow, Russia

Theaters, galleries, museums, and elegant buildings galore. Moscow, Russia is by far one of the most intriguing cities I have ever been to. There is an air of elegance, almost as if you have stepped into a different time. No one leaves their homes without being nicely...

News Update: January 16, 2017

I am currently in the final stages of editing my my first novel and preparing to send it out to agents. What was once a crazy idea floating around in my mind has now taken shape, but writing the story is only the first step in this journey. Now to find an agent and...
Epica in Germany

Epica in Germany

I know metal is not everyone’s thing, but I personally I love it! I also love listening to metal (among other genres) while I write. I had the chance to see one of my long-time favorite bands, Epica, the other night in Cologne, Germany. I had such a great time...

Laila of Midgard Worlds

There are seven worlds existing in parallel dimensions in my book. These various worlds are inspired by ancient Norse cosmology. In the books it is possible to move from one world to another using inter-dimentional portals created from the magic that connects these...


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