September is always a chaotic month regardless of whether you are going back to school or not. Even I found myself overwhelmed this month, partially because of something I hinted about in my previous blog post…


In addition to writing my Laila of Midgard series, I have just started work on another project. It takes place in the same universe as Laila of Midgard. There is some character crossover, and it takes place in one of the other worlds, Alfheim. This project is still in its early phase, but I also hope to get it published.


Between new projects, old projects, and life in general, suddenly the month was ending and I found myself at a meeting for volunteers at the Central Coast Writers Conference. This was my first opportunity to attend a writers conference, let alone work one, and to be honest I was terrified! There I was in a room surrounded by strangers, who are mostly introverts (because we are writers after all) and I have absolutely no idea what was going on. I jumped in and found tasks preparing packets and nametags for conference attendees, but I still had no idea what I should expect at the conference.


I was assigned to work at the reception table along with two other volunteers. They showed me the ropes, and soon our little table was quite busy. It was an interesting job, working check-in, since it gave me an opportunity to connect with the local writers and aspiring writers attending the conference, even if it was just to find their nametag and to give them a swag bag. Several attendees recognized me throughout the conference (after all, my hair practically glows like a beacon in the sun) and we had many interesting conversations.


I was able to attend some of the workshops and keynote events in between volunteering. There were workshops on everything from the basics of character development, to publishing advice and marketing. Jay Asher, the author of Thirteen Reasons Why, taught one of the workshops I attended. He was very funny and engaging, and we all discovered that he particularly likes children’s books. The workshop was on creating suspense and he swore that one of the most suspenseful books we could read was The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone. Yes, it’s that Sesame Street book with the furry blue guy! I have to admit that Jay Asher was right, that is one suspenseful book.


I met so many great people at the Central Coast Writers Conference, and now that the chaos and excitement is over, the quiet of my office seems quite lonely. I learned so much, and feel so fortunate to have attended this event. I look forward to next year’s conference and I would recommend other new writers attend a writers conference.

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