After announcing my decision to self-publish my first series last month, things have suddenly started to pick up speed. For a long time, I was sort of stuck waiting. I was waiting to see if I could find an agent or a publisher, and I knew there would be even more waiting once I found a publisher. But at this point, I am so ready to get this first book published so you can finally read it.

Since my last post, I have found an editor and a cover artist!!! I am so excited about this, and in a way, this is a pretty big relief. I am another step closer to my goal. Soon the cover artist will begin work on the cover for Caught by Demons: Laila of Midgard Series Book 1, and I am currently on my last read-through of the manuscript before I send it out to the editor.

While I don’t have a date set at the moment, I am planning to release it later this summer! Once I have a better idea of the timeline, I will be sharing that information with you. I am also planning to have print copies available as well as ebooks since I know there are some people who still love to read printed copies.

There are a number of other decisions and projects I am working on that have to do with the launch of this series such as promotion and advertisements, events, short stories,  and even some merchandise. I will also be joining a company such as Patreon or Drip, which will allow awesome readers who want to help support my writing to be patrons and pay a monthly amount in exchange for exclusive access to additional content and early announcements.

One last announcement for this month, I recently joined Instagram too!!! If you haven’t followed my Instagram account you can find me here @kathryn_blanche.

Until next time!

Kathryn Blanche

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