Life is such a beautiful and delicate thing. There is so much that we can endure and continue to survive, yet at the same time, a small occurrence can cause a life to be taken so suddenly. Last Friday I discovered that a friend I’ve known since I was six years old had passed from a sudden medical emergency. Death is always difficult, but when the person is so young it’s even more shocking.

There are a lot of people who question my decision to focus on my writing career, or my choice to travel as much as I do. Perhaps settling down for an ordinary job with more stability and more pay would be the responsible thing to do. Perhaps I would find some comfort in that kind of secure lifestyle. But then again, you only have one life on this earth (well, unless we are reincarnated) and I intend to make the most of this one. To seize the opportunity to live a life I love rather than just surviving to work another day.

Sure, I’ll never have a big fancy house or expensive clothes and cars. But those are the just material objects. The ability to connect to others, to have new experiences, and to see new things are what make you grow as a person. The memories you make with friends laughing around a campfire, or with your family sitting around the dinner table are far more valuable.

So here is my challenge to you:

Go to that place you’ve always wanted to see.

Eat that food you love to eat.

Say that thing that you want to say.

Take time to stop and smell the roses.

Do what makes you feel good, and be kind to others.

Don’t wait for the “right time,” because it will never come.

Enjoy life now, in this very moment, because each second of our lives is a precious and fleeting gift.

Kathryn Blanche

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